Community Weather, Water, Ice Info Uses & Needs

Banner Photo: Jason Carpenter

Understanding Inuit community uses and needs for weather, water, ice and climate information and services

2019 – 2023

Funded by: ArcticNet and Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada

Endorsed project as part of the Year of Polar Prediction

Photos: Jason Carpenter, Gita Ljubicic, Marlene Iqaqrialu

Our research team includes Inuit, northern, and southern researchers who have worked together over many years, in Nunavut, Nunavik, and Inuvialuit communities.  Over the years we have heard that the services that provide information on weather, water, and ice conditions are not easy to access, understand, or use in many communities. We have also heard that the information and services are not always accurate for local conditions. 

The goal of our project is to help improve the information that is available, and how it is communicated in northern communities. To accomplish this goal, we developed a survey to get feedback from communities across three regions of Inuit Nunangat.  With this survey we want to learn what kinds of weather, water, and ice information Inuit and northerners use to make safe travel decisions.  

Survey questions were developed together with input from all team members, as well as from environmental service providers, Inuit organizations, and northern governments and research organizations.  Surveys are facilitated by Local Research Coordinators working in their home communities. Nunavut survey coordination is also supported by the Nunavut Weather and Ice Services for Climate Adaptation project.

Survey responses will provide valuable information to help service providers and decision-makers make their information more relevant and accurate for Inuit and northerners. Ultimately, we hope that the results of this project will lead to improved services that can help people travel more safely on the land.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. You can freely download and share all documents posted for non-commercial uses, as long as the authors are credited. Photos cannot be used for any other purposes, without permission from the photographer.


Slideshow – images of weather, water, and ice conditions across Nunavut (Prepared for Weather and Society Workshop 2022)
Project Overview Video
(Prepared for ArcticNet 2021)

Maps and Posters


Simonee, N., Alooloo, J., Carter, N. A., Ljubicic, G., and Dawson, J. 2021. Sila Qanuippa? (How’s the Weather?): Integrating Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit and Environmental Forecasting Products to Support Travel Safety around Pond Inlet, Nunavut, in a Changing Climate. Weather, Climate, and Society, 13(October): 933-962. (

Flyers and Notices
